#Green Energy Open Access
Any Consumer with a connected load of 100kw or above can get renewable energy through #openaccess from any #renewable energy generating plant set up by himself or by any developer.
What is Benefit of Open Access ?
A company from one part of India ( example : Mumbai) can procure power from company any other part of India ( say for example Kanyakumari ) through open access. This procurement can be long term basis or short term.
Is there any minimum requirement ?
Yes. Minimum #100kwp power to be accessed in Open access system.
How to apply for this Open access energy ?
https://greenopenaccess.in use this website
Union Minister of Power and Renewable Energy ,Shri.R.K.Singh has launched Green Energy Open Access portal. https://greenopenaccess.in This Portal provides a transparent, simplified, uniform and streamlined procedure for granting open access to green energy.
Any time limit for approval of application ?
The approval for #greenenergy Open Access is minimum 15 days or else it will be deemed to have been granted , subject to fulfillment of technical requirements through the portal. Tamilnadu has very good solar insolation and Solar Pv system will reduce the operational cost .